Florida also referred to as the sunshine state, has two major tourist seasons. The time of the year when tourists throng in plentiful numbers is referred to as the tourist season. The first tourist season in Florida is from mid-December through Easter. During this season Florida plays host to those coming to bask in the warm winter sun.

Tourists who throng Florida in the winter season come in search of blue skies, warm sunshine and low humidity. Seasonal vacation rental trends show that the winter season witnesses the highest prices for accommodation and other facilities that tourists need.

Rates peak during the Thanksgiving week, which is known to be one of the busiest weeks in the winter season. Similar trends are witnessed during Christmas which is easily the busiest of the season.

The capacities of rentals, hotels, restaurants and other tourist facilities are pushed to the absolute limit during peak winter season. As the holiday season gets over and people start heading home, the pressure eases and the pace of life for service providers in Florida eases.

Once the winter season is over and the warmth starts settling in, a perceptible thinning down of tourist traffic is seen. The weather though comparatively warmer, remains quite pleasant right through to mid May. This is considered off season and vacation rentals rates come down considerably. Those traveling on a restricted budget can avail off season rates for quality accommodation by scheduling their vacations during this time.

The second tourist season begins in June as schools give over for summer vacations. This season continues through to mid-August when it is time to back to school. The weather at this time is characterized by stifling near-tropical heat and humidity, coupled with terrific, although brief, afternoon thunderstorms. However this is never a deterrent for the crowds who throng all the places worth sightseeing. After mid-August once again tourist traffic thins down. At this time of the year too vacation rental rates are reduced considerably and remain so till the approach of the winter tourist season.

Low seasonal vacation rentals can be availed during the summer months in the Key West as this is off season for them. Florida's East Coast on the other hand never seems to have off seasonal rates. The vacation rentals in this area are booked the year through at usual peak season rates.

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